Tag: Politics

Tomorrow we will be joined by Ukranian defence minister and our other partners Georgia, Finland, Sweden, and EU, NATO Secretary General states
No impeachment proceedings to be on agenda, MP Okhanashvili says
Ukraine grateful to Georgian President for support, Ukrainian Embassy says
PM meets Pension Fund’s Investment Board
MFA: Any agreement between occupant country and puppet regime to be void
Gov’t to apply to Constitutional Court to confirm violation of Constitution by President, GD says
President’s any visit to be agreed on with gov't, PM says
GD reminds President that Constitution defines playing field of state system
Ukrainian Ambassador back to Georgia
Georgian Defense Minister to take part in NATO Defense Ministerial
Russian President submits bill on dual citizenship between occupied South Ossetia and Russia
Georgian, Turkish FMs hold phone call
'President had a clear, strong message today, her speech was excellent' US Ambassador says
This senseless war must end, Georgian President says
18 mln people impacted in Ukraine, WHO says
GD Chair says President "breached Constitution if she tells truth about Europe visit" 
NATO Envoy Colomina: NATO does not recognize legitimacy of "elections" in Abkhazia
For Georgia leader: Grateful to President for representing Georgians will, restoring national self-esteem
EU Ambassador dubs President Zourabichvili's speech "thoughtful, important"
Georgian President addresses Parliament, urges Zelenskyy to return Ukraine's Ambassador to Georgia