Tag: Pawel Herczynski

We celebrate Europe Day with Georgia being granted European Perspective, EU Ambassador says
EU Ambassador attends Europe Days celebration
Ambassador Herczynski expects Georgia’s next steps on EU accession path
Defense Minister hosts EU Ambassador
EU ambassador says Georgia's President to decide whether to pardon Gvaramia
Any illegal activity should be investigated, those responsible brought to justice, EU Ambassador on Kezerashvili case
Defence and Security Committee Chair meets EU Ambassador
EU Ambassador says MEP Viola von Cramon decides where to go
Ambassador Herczyński: EU membership to bring enormous benefits to Georgia
EU Ambassador called President's speech powerful, centred on EU aspiration
EU Ambassador hopes Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova to be EU members soon
PM meets EU Delegation Head, Ambassadors of EU Member States
Ambassador Herczynski says draft law on foreign agents inconsistent with EU norms, principles
EU, Swedish Ambassadors deliver formal demarche to Justice Minister over Saakashvili
EU Ambassador hopes draft law on foreign agents not be translated into law
EU Ambassador: Ukraine fights for values Europe is built on
Ambassador Pawel Herczynski: EU supports connecting with South Caucasus and Central Asia
Georgia launches nationwide road safety campaign with EU support
EU Ambassador congratulates Georgia on EC's 'positive report'
Ambassador Herczynski says EU to assess Georgia's progress based on results