Tag: amnesty bill

Parliament approves Amnesty Bill with first reading
Legal Affairs Committee approves Amnesty Bill with first reading
Parliament to begin discussing Amnesty Bill next week
Georgian Dream introduces Amnesty Bill
Parliament approves amnesty bill
Protesters affected by June 20, 2019 rally dispersal gather at Parliament 
Parliament to approve Amnesty Bill with second reading
Parliament to postpone Amnesty Bill discussion
EU Ambassador hopes positions over Amnesty bill to draw closer
German Ambassador: Amnesty bill to be best way to resolve the situation
Labor Party leader to hold US Ambassador responsible for current situation
Consultations on amnesty bill underway at Parliament
Human Rights Committee backs GD-proposed amnesty bill in first reading
June 20 dispersed rally victims denounce amnesty bills
Chairwoman of Republican Party: EU ready to pay imprisoned UNM Chair bail
EU Ambassador: First hurdles of this crucial agreement implementation to be passed to move further into reforms
MP Mdinaradze backlashes opposition's version of amnesty bill
UNM believes GD to endorse its version of amnesty bill
Strategy Aghmashenebeli: Amnesty bill to be adopted, Nika Melia to be released
Details of GD-sponsored amnesty bill