Tag: GD chair

GD Chair to meet party activists in Kakheti on June 2
GD Chair: We are developing action plan for fulfillment of EC's nine priorities
GPB Dir/Gen, Board of Trustees Chair meet Parliament Speaker, GD Chair over draft law on GPB financing model
GD Chair: President crosses red line
GD Chair, PACE Co-Rapporteurs discuss Georgia’s EU integration progress in Strasbourg
GD Chair: We demand evidence for U.S. sanctions
GD Chair says, "Talk to us with rules, we keep standing upright, defending sovereignty and independence"
GD Chair on yesterday's arrest: Detainee acted to prevent "Bolshevik Troika's" funding disclosure
GD Chair says CNN's question to Von der Leyen stems from fake info, shows large-scale coordination against Georgia
GD Chair: Rapporteur objecting to amendments to his report proves complex situation in EP
GD Chair: Those planning 2nd front opening in Georgia brought Saakashvili in
GD Chair: Oligarch is oligarch in every country; if someone deemed oligarch in Ukraine, same should be true in Georgia
GD Chair calls Ukrainian lawyer's remark on Saakashvili's transfer 'political game'
GD Chair calls US Ambassador's remark on PVT miscalculation 'regrettable'
GD Chair promises fully proportional elections with 2% threshold one month after Georgia gets EU candidate status
GD Chair: President's briefing directly goes against Georgia getting EU candidate status
GD chair sums up his visit to US