Public Broadcaster responds to the report published by Transparency International - Georgia
Public Broadcaster responds to the report published by Transparency International - Georgia

Public Broadcaster responds to the report published by Transparency International – Georgia. According to the members of the non-governmental organization the report aims to study the current processes in the Broadcaster under the new management and identify existing challenges.

First of all, we would like to note that when the report on actual issue is published it’s important to clarify the methodology of study and the way the information is obtained/processed, based on which the problematic issues are identified and recommendations issued.

Furthermore, we consider the method of obtaining information from the object under study no more than requesting the public information as irrelevant, as the latter does not contain explanations, which can reflect the current processes correctly, completely and in a general context.

We believe that the authors, when analyzing such issues, should show more professionalism and not mislead the public by creating a false opinion about the activities of the organization financed by the society.

We consider the ungrounded findings outlined in the report, which lack the factual justification, as accusation, and believe that the issue should be discussed in the legal context.

Such sensitive perception of the current processes of the Public Broadcaster by various organizations or individuals, suggests that they are not familiar with the practice of European Public Broadcasters.

We believe that all institutions, media representatives and media stakeholders should be involved in this process more responsibly, express their opinion based on substantiated research and solid arguments, which is essential for the Public Broadcaster, as a free but accountable Institution, as well as for protection of the democratic values, the carrier of which this media organization is.


 Transparency International – Georgia published a new report referring to Public Broadcaster today.