EU Ambassador expects positive decision on Georgia's future EU membership
“I hope that the decision will be positive and that Georgia will get closer to the membership,” said Pawel Herczynski, EU Ambassador to Georgia.
The Ambassador emphasized that heads of the EU’s 27 member states would make a decision in December. However, in his words, much depended on how quickly and efficiently Georgia was prepared for the membership.
“I sincerely hope that Georgia will continue its path toward membership of the European Union. The next step as everyone knows is the candidate status. The decision will be made by 27 EU member states this December. It will be based on the report that the European Commission is currently drafting and will be published in October. So, now we are entering into a key moment when there will be a report from the European Commission with recommendations, and you will have a meeting with heads of 27 member states in December, who will decide on the next steps.
I hope that the decision will be positive and that Georgia will get closer to the membership. This is a process. It will take some time, but a lot also depends on how quickly and how efficiently Georgia is prepared for future membership. We all want this to happen as quickly as possible,” he said.