Tag: MEPs

Four MEPs call for sanctions against Georgian officials over Transparency Law
PM criticizes EU Parliament resolutions noting 'declaring Kezerashvili pitiable refugee diminishes MEP statements' value
MEPs issue joint statement on reintroduction of Transparency Bill
I expect apology from MEPs for disinformation campaign against Georgia, Speaker says
MEPs call on Georgian gov't to transfer Saakashvili to EU country for treatment
Speaker says some MEPs want to separate Georgian people and government
Georgia has no political prisoners, Justice Minister says
MEPs prepare amendments to EP resolution on EU AA with Georgia
Several MEPs urge President Zourabichvili to pardon Nika Gvaramia
MEPs visit occupation line
Foreign Relations Committee Chair meets MEPs
Public Defender meets MEPs
Georgia should become candidate once completes necessary reforms, states EU Parliament's resolution
Georgian FM meets MEPs
State Minister, MEPs meet
Cabinet of Parliament Speaker to release statement about cancellation of MEP’s visit
GD Chair calls on Georgian citizens to act in line with European values
MEPs to release joint statement on 13th anniversary of Russian aggression against Georgia
MEPs to release joint statement on GD’s withdrawal from April 19 Agreement
UNM Chair: MEPs to stand surety for me acceptable