Amiran Gamkrelidze - Number of COVID-19 cases is expected to be increased in Georgia
Amiran Gamkrelidze - Number of COVID-19 cases is expected to be increased in Georgia

Amiran Gamkrelidze, Head of the National Center of Diseases Control and Public Health said that an increase in the number of new coronavirus cases is expected in Georgia.

The head of the Centers for Disease Control believes that more caution and alarm are needed.

“More alarm and caution are needed. That is why, at the first stage, the healthcare ministry has arranged quarantine zones in such large and experienced hospitals as Republican Hospital, Sachkhere Hospital, First University Clinic and other, where works appropriately trained personnel,  if necessary, there are resuscitation and intensive care units ”,  – Amiran Gamkrelidze said.

According to Amiran Gamkrelidze, much will depend on the professionalism of the staff and the preparedness plans of the clinics. Every hospital should have a plan.

“In addition to the fact that the state has a preparedness plan, the same should be in every clinic, they should have a three-month supply of medicines, and this is controlled by the Ministry of Health. A sharp increase in the number is expected, and we must be prepared for this in every way”, – he added.