US Ambassador urges GD to return Georgia to EU and Western integration path
US Ambassador urges GD to return Georgia to EU and Western integration path

“I urge Georgian Dream to reconsider its actions and return Georgia to the path of EU and Western integration and the path of democracy desired by a clear majority of Georgians,” stated US Ambassador to Georgia, Robin Dunnigan.

In a statement from the U.S. Embassy, the Ambassador emphasized the government’s responsibility to repair relations with Western allies.

“Since arriving in Georgia over one year ago, I have worked to improve the U.S.–Georgia bilateral relationship and to support Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic integration. Unfortunately, the Prime Minister’s announcement that Georgian Dream will not pursue the opening of European Union accession negotiations for another four years is the latest in a series of actions that again calls into question this government’s commitment to a Western path. Notably, the government’s announcement drew immediate praise from the Kremlin.

Overnight, we all witnessed police violence against detained protesters and journalists. I call on the government to respect the rights of Georgian citizens to peacefully protest and to respect the freedom of the press to cover the protests unmolested. I urge Georgian Dream to reconsider its actions and return Georgia to the path of EU and Western integration and the path of democracy desired by a clear majority of Georgians.

It is up to the Georgian government to take steps to repair its relations with the western countries who have supported Georgia for more than three decades,” the US Ambassador stated.