Tea Tsulukiani commented on Papuna Ugrekhelidze's case
Tea Tsulukiani commented on Papuna Ugrekhelidze's case

I have several questions to Papuna Ugrekhelidze, including inconvenient ones, – the Georgian Minister of Justice Tea Tsulukiani stated.

According to her, court trial is underway into his case and she will have an informed position after holding a meeting with him. “I have several questions, including inconvenient ones. As soon as I meet him I will have an informed position” – Minister said.

When asked why the questions were not raised when the Public Defender’s report was prepared, Tsulukiani replied that she had showed strict stance regarding the men working in the system for several times, but these cases were not announced.

Papuna Ugrekhelidze, the Chair of the National Agency of Public Registry, was accused of sexual harassment by one of the employees.