Matthew Miller: We imposed 20 new visa restrictions on individuals affiliated with gov't, other actions to unfold
“We have been greatly concerned about the state of Georgian democracy, the actions that Georgia Dream has taken to undermine Georgia democracy,” said Matthew Miller, Spokesperson for the United States Department of State at the Monday briefing.
“You saw us just on Friday impose 20 new visa restrictions on individuals affiliated with the government who have been responsible for undermining democracy in the country. And we will have other actions that we are prepared to take in the coming weeks on those visa restrictions,” he said.
Matthew Miller responded to the question of Alex Raufoglu, an Azerbaijani-American journalist covering the South Caucasus issues that “two previous packages of restrictions that did not help.”
Miller said, “We have other sanctions that we are preparing to unfold in the coming weeks.”
“We could not be more clear, including a statement from Secretary Blinken, a week before last and a statement from me on Friday that we are preparing an additional sanctions package that we will roll out in the coming weeks.
Now, these are not things, in many cases, that you can do overnight. You have to make sure you get the letter of the law right when you roll out these sanctions. And that’s what we’re working on doing even as we speak,” he said.