Tag: Matthew Miller

US Department of State Spokesperson: Georgian people alone must decide their country's future
US Department of State Spokesperson: We continue to support Georgian people’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations, but government takes different path 
U.S. State Department implements first tranche of visa restrictions against GD members, MPs, law enforcement, private citizens
US Department of State Spokesperson: We’ve announced a new sanctions policy. We have not yet announced individual sanctions
Matthew Miller: FARA is for people who act on behalf of foreign gov'ts not for people who do legitimate NGO work 
State Department Spokesperson: US condemns Kremlin-inspired 'foreign influence' legislation, GD’s anti-Western rhetoric put Georgia on precarious trajectory
State Department Spokesperson: We are deeply concerned by introduction of legislation on Foreign Influence in parliament
US State Department comments on Georgia's draft Law on Foreign Influence Transparency
State Department says Georgian's death in occupied Tskhinvali region to be "destruction caused by Russia's ongoing occupation"
Department of State Spokesperson: No individual sanction changes US-Georgia relationship
U.S. Department of State: Russia should withdraw and stop occupying Georgia’s territory
Department of State Spokesperson: U.S. closely monitors Mikheil Saakashvili's case 
Speaker believes resuming Russia-Georgia direct flights disregards no sanction
Department of State on Georgia: Not the time to increase engagement with Russia