“Democracy will not function without free and open debates, independent voices, opinions and pluralism of sources. Rational dialogue requires well-informed citizens. Independent Public Media can give the opportunity to democratic societies to hold such a dialogue,” Joint Conference of the Council of Europe and European Broadcasting Union “Public Media for Democracy” (22.11.2022).
To provide unbiased coverage of the 2024 parliamentary elections, offer equal opportunities to electoral subjects and promote informed choices by the public, the Georgian Public Broadcaster (GPB) will start pre-election broadcasts on August 28, 2024.
Within pre-election broadcasts, GPB First Channel will offer TV viewers high-standard media formats, which ensure maximal informing 0f voters.
Debates 2024
The GPB is the only media outlet in the country, which hosts pre-election debates and offers qualified electoral subjects participating in the 2024 parliamentary elections to hold debates.
The electoral subjects will choose their speakers to participate in the debates. The debates will be provided by the Auslan Translation and a translation into Armenian and Azerbaijani languages as well as a radio broadcast.
The GPB takes the commitment to hold the debates in line with international standards in an unbiased environment where each candidate will have an opportunity to introduce their viewpoints under equal conditions.
Web Portal
In connection with the 2024 parliamentary elections, the GPB First Channel created a special web portal Elections 2024 https://elections.1tv.ge/, which will publish pre-election and elections-related news. The portal content will be constantly updated in the pre-election period.
Moambe in its 10:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, and 21:00 News Bulletins will cover all significant activities of electoral subjects, their election programs and viewpoints.
Public-Political Programs
From September 27, after completion of the election registration procedures at the Central Election Commission (CEC), a daily program Elections 2024 will be on the air at 19:00 and each qualified and non-qualified electoral subject will be allocated prime airtime of no less than 5 minutes.
Georgian Radio program Open Studio will allocate its airtime in election format to qualified and non-qualified electoral subjects and a special program Diversity Georgia will be broadcast in the pre-election period for ethnic minorities.
GPB First Channel kicks off two new formats in the pre-election period.
Twice a week, First Channel will broadcast a program All Questions to CEC, and the CEC Chairman will respond to all questions of the society related to the election process. Citizens will have the opportunity to ask questions via the web portal and social networks. Citizens can also provide questions via voice message at the phone number 2 40 93 94.
In the pre-election period, to raise media awareness, the program Elections Guide will be broadcast once a week where all acute issues regarding elections coverage will be reviewed together with the National Communications Commission (ComCom).
Both formats aim to make comprehensive information about the election process accessible for everyone.
The GPB carries out internal monitoring of the 2024 parliamentary elections.
The monitoring of all public and political programs on the GPB’s First Channel and Georgian Radio aims to calculate the airtime allocated to electoral subjects. The monitoring is ongoing via a special program with a link to the TV program or coverage. Trained monitors will ensure the procession of the information.
In line with the practice of international organizations, the following will be measured:
· Covered topic based on allocated airtime;
· Coverage of direct or indirect electoral subject based on allocated airtime;
· Coverage of pitch (positive, negative, neutral);
Timing will be measured when the subject is:
· Viewed in the shot;
· Speaking in the shot;
· Only voice is heard;
· Image attributes of an electoral subject viewed;
· Others speak about them
Separate components of media monitoring will be published regularly during the monitoring period, while the entire report will be available after the completion of the election process.
GPB notes that its pre-election monitoring underlines the need for impartial, balanced and facts-based coverage in the polarized political and media environment.
Media Awareness
The GPB works for the entire society and its each member. Therefore, all information related to the elections in the pre-election period will be accompanied by the Auslan translation. The GPB will also broadcast elections-related information on the languages of ethnic minorities.
Advertising Time
Based on acting legislation, the GPB will broadcast a pre-election advertisement submitted by each qualified electoral subject free of charge 5 minutes every hour and every 3 hours equally distributed between these subjects and without discrimination during the electoral campaign under the condition that advertising time allocated to one electoral subject does not exceed 90 seconds. In addition to qualified electoral subjects, the GPB will also allocate airtime for the pre-election advertisement to all other parties 10 seconds every hour and once in 3 hours equally and without discrimination under the condition that advertising time allocated to one electoral subject does not exceed 30 seconds.
Presentation of Program/Congress
The GPB First Channel offers parties, based on in-advance written application, the allocation of 10-15 minute airtime in its Moambe 12:00, 15:00 or 18:00 News Bulletins for the presentation of their programs in case the electoral subject itself ensures live-transmission signal to the First Channel.