Tag: occupation

Georgian FM deems Turkish President's statement on Georgia's occupation as utmostly important
CoE Committee of Ministers to mention term occupation in its decision on Georgia
SSG: Russia's occupation of Georgian territories remains main threat 
Georgian FM, EU Special Representative Toivo Klaar to discuss death of three people crossing occupation line
State Security Service confirms three people die while crossing from occupied Abkhazia
US Representative to UN: We urge OSCE to push for Russia to end its occupation
Georgian PM: President Michel's visit confirms EU's support
President of European Council: It is imperative to unite on core values
EU calls for immediate release of unlawfully imprisoned Gakheladze
Protesters rally in front of Georgian Foreign Ministry
NATO Secretary-General: We call on Russia to withdraw its forces from Abkhazia and South Ossetia
Foreign Minister: Occupation remains major challenge
New barbed wire on occupied territory to be a destructive step
PM Gakharia: Territorial integrity to be a top priority
Georgian President on occupation: Negotiations not to mean concession
PM - Georgia will never accept occupation!
Lithuanian Foreign Minister – Creeping annexation and occupation of Georgia continues
Lia Gigauri: Red Cross is expected to visit Zaza Gakheladze presumably today
Lasha Daraselia: State is doing everything possible to free our citizens from illegal captivity
PM – Russia is responsible for all facts of violation of fundamental human rights across occupied territories