Tag: occupation

Hubert Knirsch: Human rights violations in occupied Akhalgori and Chorchana village deserve attention
Urmas Reinsalu: Russia should be held accountable for its aggression against Georgia and Ukraine
Vladimer Konstantinidi: Closure of so-called crossing points along occupation line brings local population into complete isolation
Madeleine Moon: We thank Data Vanishvili for his courage to come and explain what cruel and inhumane conditions are here
US Department of State: We once again call on Russia to suspend its illegal occupation of Georgian territory
Davit Zalkaliani: Georgia took many steps to send Russia message of readiness to de-escalate situation, but we saw no reciprocal steps
Lasha Darsalia: Russia and its occupation regimes use varous processes to increase pressure on Georgian authorities
EU: Erection of fences by de-facto authorities of South Ossetia backed by Russian border guards hinders the freedom of movement of locals
Georgian Foreign Ministry expresses concern over fact that occupation regime took over heights near Chorchana village
Ketevan Tsikhelashvili: We have to deal with the very difficult legacy received since August 2008 war which lasts till today
Mike Pence – Russian forces illegally continue occupation of territories of Georgia and Ukraine
Polish President: Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine in 2014, Occupation, military captives, provocations still continue
Chairman of Swedish Parliament – We saw how Russian occupation affects everyday life of people
Georgian PM - Occupation is the most painful challenge, it is an issue that should unite every Georgian citizen
First Secretary of Ukrainian Embassy:  Russian aggressive forces continue to occupy the territory of Georgia
Elizabeth Rood: Installation of barbed wire fences harms security in the region and divides population
U.S. Embassy: "Borderization" is a threat to peace and stability, as it harms livelihoods and hinders the flow of people
British Ambassador: Wire fences serve no purpose except to cause hardship to families and divide local communities
State Security Service: Issue of installation of barbed wire fences in Gugutiantkari village will be acutely raised in Ergneti meeting
Ketevan Tsikhelashvili: We live under occupation and against this background, disseminating incorrect information is a provocation