Tag: Gia Volski

Vice Speaker says politicians should merge from solidarity rallies
Vice-Speaker sees no difference between UNM and other parties under UNM umbrella
MP Volski: Ex-President Saakashvili appeal to ECHR to be political game
MP Gia Volski: Melia to accept bail and get out of prison
Vice Speaker Gia Volski: Parliamentary opposition to be immature
Majority MP Gia Volski: UNM needs Melia behind bars to speculate
Vice Speaker deems it possible to negotiate with any political actor
Vice Speaker skeptical about negotiations
Parliament Vice Speaker on OSCE/ODIHR report
Vice Speaker proposes to examine possible election fraud
MP Volski to head de-occupation interim commission
Parliament Vice-Speaker: Opposition wants to present themselves as politically restricted politicians
Parliament Vice-Speaker: Some opposition forces try to fish political dividend in turbulent water
Parliament First Vice-Speaker: Part of opposition holds Georgia hostage
Parliament Vice-Speaker: Visa liberalization not to be endangered
Parliament Vice Speaker: Democratic institutions develop in Georgia
Vice Speaker: No fundamental changes in government expected
First Vice Speaker: We have held something more than a plebiscite - the elections
First Vice Speaker – Mike Pompeo’s visit to Georgia is a step of the U.S. to its ally to discuss difficult situation in the region together
Gia Volski thanks Ukraine for supportive statement on Russia's recent activities