'We believe in Georgia's Euro-Atlantic future,' US Ambassador says
'We believe in Georgia's Euro-Atlantic future,' US Ambassador says

US Ambassador to Georgia Kelly Degnan says she believes in Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic future, “but it is up to Georgians to do the work and it is hard work. We know it is hard work, but we know you can do it, we have great faith and confidence in it. We just want to see hold together and do it together now. ”

Ambassador Degnan stressed, “the United States has been a strong supporter of George’s Euro Atlantic integration for 30 years. This is something we have worked very closely with Georgia on whether it is EU membership, or NATO membership. This is a tremendous opportunity for Georgia, again, to make real progress on the reforms that all the political parties have agreed are necessary for Georgia’s future in the EU and NATO.”

She continued, “this is a wonderful opportunity for Georgia,” emphasizing that “this is the time for unity. This is the time for focusing on Georgia’s future and putting aside the attacks and that have been so divisive and so polarizing, to think about where this country is going and to work together for Georgia’s future in the Euro-Atlantic family of nations. I am confident Georgia is going to get there and now is a time when real progress could be made.”