Ukrainian president's wife contracts coronavirus
Ukrainian president's wife contracts coronavirus

Olena Zelenska, the wife of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, has tested positive for COVID-19, the President’s Office has reported on Telegram.

“The wife of the President of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska, tested positive for COVID-19. The first lady is feeling well and has no symptoms. Olena Zelenska is currently receiving outpatient treatment, isolated from other family members,” the report said, according to UKRINFORM.

According to the report, Zelensky and the children also passed the tests, and their results are negative.

During working meetings and at home, the first lady constantly followed the quarantine rules and recommendations of the Ukrainian Health Ministry and, in accordance with the requirements of the security protocol, was regularly tested for COVID-19. The results of a preliminary test conducted in early June were negative.

“Where and when the infection could have happened is still unknown. An epidemiological investigation is underway. All contact persons were immediately informed of the potential danger of infection. They were advised to adhere to self-isolation and, if possible, to take a test,” the President’s Office added.

As of June 12, Ukraine reported 29,753 laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 870 deaths and 13,567 recoveries. Some 683 new cases have been registered in the past 24 hours.