Three Senators release joint statement: GD's move to abandon EU membership negotiations is betrayal of Georgian people's desire
“The Georgian Dream’s move to abandon European Union membership negotiations is a profound betrayal of the Georgian people’s clear and overwhelming desire to embrace European values and institutions,” reads the joint statement of U.S. Helsinki Commission Co-Chair Senator Ben Cardin (MD), Ranking Member Roger Wicker (MS), and Senator John Cornyn (TX).
According to the Senators, Georgian people peacefully defend their democratic and European aspirations against the violent repression by the Georgian Dream party after its decision to withdraw from European Union membership negotiations.
“The Georgian Dream’s move to abandon European Union membership negotiations is a profound betrayal of the Georgian people’s clear and overwhelming desire to embrace European values and institutions. This is not the conduct of a government committed to democratic reforms and pluralism but of an insecure regime dragging Georgia toward Russian-style autocracy. These actions flagrantly violate international democratic norms and undermine the legitimate aspirations of the Georgian people.
“We strongly condemn the violence unleashed against peaceful protesters – tear gas, rubber bullets, water cannons, beatings, and mass arrests have no place on the streets of Tbilisi. Georgian authorities responsible for human rights abuses and the erosion of democratic principles must face accountability from their own people and the international community. The Georgian people’s sacrifices for Euro-Atlantic integration demand our continued solidarity and action,” reads the statement.