Parliament concludes its autumn session
Parliament concludes its autumn session

The autumn session of the eleventh convocation of Parliament was officially closed during a session of the parliamentary bureau. As stipulated by parliamentary regulations, the autumn session concludes on the third Friday of December.

At the closing ceremony, the national anthem of Georgia was performed.

During today’s session, the parliamentary bureau decided on the election of the Central Election Commission (CEC) members. Specifically, it extended the deadline for the election procedure of members of the Central Election Commission during the inter-sessional period between parliamentary sessions.

Chairman of Parliament Shalva Papuashvili announced that he had issued an order today to initiate a competition for the selection of four CEC membership candidates. Candidates will have two weeks to submit their applications.

Papuashvili also mentioned that Parliament will elect the professional members of the CEC after the opening of the spring session in February.

According to parliamentary regulations, the spring session will commence on the first Tuesday of February.