Tag: Sandro Rakviashvili
Girchi says NGOs to close if Transparency Law stands after elections
MP Rakviashvili sceptical GD to approve Inquiry Commission on Shovi disaster
Girchi's Rakviashvili lambasts new Defence Code
Girchi party skeptic over GD’s fulfilling EC recommendations
Girchi's Rakviashvili sees no readiness for reconciliation between GD, UNM
Girchi says ex-president’s return to Ukraine could be a way out
'Porridge revolution' idea unclear, Girchi's Rakviashvili says
Saakashvili’s release hardly possible, MP Rakviashvili says
Girchi opposition party to negotiate to enter Parliament
Girchi: Republican Party’s initiative to be constructive
Girchi: Plotting tension to be immoral