Christmas epistle: Wars and conflicts today pose risk of devolving into global catastrophes 
Christmas epistle: Wars and conflicts today pose risk of devolving into global catastrophes 

“The world has always been contradictory, but today’s conflicts and wars pose a genuine risk that any one of them can devolve into a worldwide disaster that would kill mankind. That is why, to the best of our ability, we should all work to maintain peace,” reads the Christmas epistle of the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, Ilia II.

As mentioned in the epistle, “Christianity played an important role in the history of many countries, including the formation of Europe.”

“As technology develops, there is a real possibility that human egocentrism will endanger the purpose we were born for; Our spiritual progress, however, is lagging behind, and we face many psychological and bioethical challenges,” the epistle states.