Director of Hospital of Infectious Diseases – Country is returning to normal life
Director of Hospital of Infectious Diseases – Country is returning to normal life

Tengiz Tsertsvadze, Director of Tbilisi Hospital of Infectious Diseases said that Georgia was gradually returning to normal life, restrictions were being lifted and the country was re-opening but Georgia was standing on a critical crossroad and the situation was not yet a final victory.

“We will have success when the country re-opens and if we have the same situation after several weeks,” Tsertsvadze said and added that Georgia was one of the first countries in Europe to be re-opened.

According to Tsertsvadze, the number of newly infected patients with COVID-19 has been decreasing in the latest days.

Starting May 11, Georgia will open movement in big cities and certain activities will resume, some shops except of those selling clothes and shows will resume working.