GYLA: Georgian NGOs prepare a lawsuit to be filed in Constitutional Court and ECHR
ECHR backs Georgian gov't in Saakashvili case, Justice Minister says
ECHR: No grounds for doubting fairness of criminal proceedings against ex-President Saakashvili
ECHR publishes judgment in Maisaia vs Georgia case, determines "systemic abuse" of inmates in Georgian prisons before 2012
Deputy Justice Minister: ECHR finds partial violation of only one article in June 2019 Georgia protests
ECHR rules into case of Georgian citizens vs Georgia injued during June 20-21 rallies
Speaker: Our gov't achieved another legal victory against Russia through tireless efforts
Justice Minister: On this symbolic day, Georgia takes another big step towards de-occupation
ECHR rules multiple violations of European Convention in Georgia vs Russia case
ECHR publishes judgment in Giga Otkhozoria's case 
Justice Ministry: ECHR confirmed legality of Nika Melia's arrest, imprisonment
ECHR rules no violation in Nika Melia's arrest case
CHR declares inadmissible Saakashvili's complaint about Ukrainian citizenship deprivation
GD member says prisoners’ rights protected in Georgia
GD Chair believes MEPs, former Ombudsman, opposition should apologize
Speaker: Gov't action towards ex-president appropriate, in line with highest human rights standards
UNM to continue struggle until Georgia liberated, UNM chair says
President Zourabichvili: It is vital that ECHR ruling in Saakashvili's case causes no reputational damage to Georgia
ECHR ruling to be unexpected for ex-President's mother
Ex-President Saakashvili vows to continue fighting for life, for Georgia, for Ukraine, as legal procedure in Strasbourg continues