Vasil Maghlaperidze – Similar silliness can only come to sick head of a person who just learned that Russia is an occupant
Vasil Maghlaperidze – Similar silliness can only come to sick head of a person who just learned that Russia is an occupant

Various media sources prepared the material about the statement made in Night Show on First Channel Program of Georgian First Channel hosted by Bacho Kajaia. The media outlets were asking whether Bacho Kajaia would be able to continue cooperation with First Channel. Besides, one of the organizers of protests, ongoing in front of the parliament building in Tbilisi, Shota Dighmelashvili alleged as if Kajaia had left First Channel in protest.

Vasil Maghlaperidze, Director General of Georgian First Channel was asked to provide explanations.

“The information was circulating during the day that Bacho Kajaia was going to be dismissed from work because he said that Russia was an occupant country. Some were making a trick and asking a question but with the same purpose – spreading such silliness can only come to the sick head of a person who has just learned that Russia is an occupant, who has never experienced a war with Russia and who does not know that it needs courage to openly say that Russia is occupant. Yes, Russia is occupant and who speculates with the issue is mentally rubbish. It will not come to any person in First Channel to even think to reprimand Bacho Kajaia for his statement. Of course, one or two stupid persons are everywhere and they do not count. . . .

Whose interest it was to spread such fake news? Of course in the interest of those subjects who are using every single chance to try to discredit First Channel. I suspect that they will repeat the same some other day. Therefore, I would like to explain to them in a comprehensible and beloved native language that f…. them all who produced this fake news. It will not be difficult for them whom it refers to fill in the spaces,” Maghlaperidze said.