Second round run-off to be held within two weeks after the final results are announced
Second round run-off to be held within two weeks after the final results are announced

The second round of the presidential election will be held on Sunday, within two weeks after the final results are announced.

According to Tamar Zhvania, Chairperson of the Central Election Commission the maximum term of publication of final results is 20 days after the Election Day.

A presidential candidate needs 50%+1 votes for winning. If a candidate does not collect the needed number of votes, the second round of elections will be appointed. Two candidates, who showed the best results in the first round, will participate in the second tour of the elections.

The Georgian Central Election Commission (CEC) will appoint the date of the second round of elections. The candidate, who receives more votes in the second round, will become president of Georgia.

According to the Central Election Commission, 99.57 % of the total number of all election precincts has been already counted. The preliminary results are as following: Salome Zurabishvili received 614 964 votes (38.66 percent), Grigol Vashadze – 599 662 (37.7 percent).