New structural units to be set up at Foreign Ministry from April 1
New structural units to be set up at Foreign Ministry from April 1

From April 1, new structural units will be created as a result of the reorganization at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Foreign Ministry informs that Directorate-General for European Integration will be set up under the Ministry.

“Creation of the Directorate-General for European Integration directly responds to the foreign policy priorities of the country. Euro integration and EU Assistance Coordination and Sector Integration departments will subordinate it.

The European Integration Departments will be obliged to promote the European integration process. The main goal of the EU Assistance Coordination and Sector Integration Department will be coordination of the EU assistance, monitoring / coordination of the implementation of Georgia-EU Association Agreement, promotion of sector integration and etc, “- the Ministry explained.

The reorganization process includes setting up the NATO Integration Department and its main task will be promotion and coordination of the process of Georgia’s integration into the NATO. (It is noteworthy that the NATO office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been in charge of NATO integration issues up to now).

The Ministry informs that the Department of the Strategic Communication and Employment Promotion Division will also be set up within the frameworks of the reorganization.