Georgia ranks third in Eastern Partnership Index
Georgia ranks third in Eastern Partnership Index

Georgia ranks third among the Eastern Partnership members based on the Eastern Partnership Index.

The research awards Georgia 0.63 points. Moldova secures the first place, while Ukraine takes the second place. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Belarus follow in the fourth, fifth, and sixth places, respectively.

The study analyzes the consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine and the progress made by the Eastern Partnership countries in terms of reforms.

The research is based on the assessment of three main directions: Democracy, Good Governance and Rule of Law, Political Convergence with the EU, and Sustainable Development.

“Georgia lost considerable ground across both democracy and good governance, and policy convergence indicators, in fact Georgia’s performance was characterised by a significant downwards drift, if not a sharp plunge in many areas which reflects the country’s political polarisation. Significant decreases occurred in almost all thematic areas overseen by this Index, (namely democratic rights, elections and political pluralism, the fight against corruption, human rights protection mechanisms, state accountability, independent media, public administration, market economy, freedom, security and justice, and environment and climate policy), with the exception of freedom of assembly,” the report notes about Georgia.

The EaP Index 2023 edition was developed by a core team at the Secretariat of the Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) led by Alexandra Sabou – Advocacy and EaP Index Manager.