De-facto Tskhinvali- Saakashvilli, Merabishvili and Okruashvili are wanted for carrying out genocide of South Ossetians
De-facto Tskhinvali- Saakashvilli, Merabishvili and Okruashvili are wanted for carrying out genocide of South Ossetians

Vasil Poliakov, representative of so-called general prosecutor’s office of South Ossetia, has discussed the details of the criminal case and the charges against Archil Tatunashvili.

“In 2004-2008, the South Ossetian law enforcers have institutued 166 criminal cases related to the crimes, committed by representatives of Georgian law enforcement bodies against the population of South Ossetia,” -agency RES quoted Poliakov as saying.

According to him, the investigation has established that “Georgian high ranking political and military officials have carried out genocide of South Ossetians.”

“The number exceeds 45. Former President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili, Former Interior Minister Vano Merabishvili, former Defense Minister Irakli Okruashvili and others are among them, “- the representative of the de facto general prosecutor’s office said.