Tag: Politics

Georgian PM meets Jigsaw-Google CEO
Georgian PM joins global leaders at Munich Security Conference
MSC outstanding platform to discuss security challenges, PM says
FM: Georgia's presence at Munich Conference shows our stance is significant for int'l community
Georgian Ambassador to Germany says PM to voice foreign priorities at MSC 2022
Transparency to be important factor to increase public trust, General Prosecutor says
NATO’s strong political and practical support for Georgia and Ukraine to continue, Secretary-General says
Partners reaffirm Georgia to become NATO member, Defense Minister says
GD chair vows to disclose details about For Georgia leader’s betrayal
PM to take part in Munich Security Conference together with world leaders
Parliamentary mandate termination has legal and political dimensions, Parliament Speaker says
Georgian Defense Minister meets NATO Military Committee Chair
Ukrainian President thanks Georgian colleague for support
Georgian Defence Minister holds meetings at NATO HQ
Georgian President: We stand with Ukraine
EU encourages all sides to use Parliament as main platform for political debate
Ukraine, Georgia to join NATO ministerial to address their sovereignty, territorial integrity, NATO SG says
Georgia stands by Ukraine, FM Zalkaliani says
U.S. Ambassador  to NATO: Ukraine, Georgia important partners to Alliance
President not to agree with MP mandates termination to opposition lawmakers