UNM's Bezhashvili: We must make decision to allow coalition gov't to pick European path 
UNM's Bezhashvili: We must make decision to allow coalition gov't to pick European path 

Levan Bezhashvili, a member of the United National Movement, stated on Tuesday that “the Helsinki Commission does not appeal to the government, but to the Georgian people as it is the people who will determine on October 26 who should represent the national interests.”

According to Bezhashvili, “the isolation of Georgia means the strengthening of Russian influence in the country.”

“Georgia is isolated under Ivanishvili’s leadership, and this isolation implies further strengthening of Russian influence and pulling the country into Russian orbit,” he noted.

Bezhashvili believes that the Georgian people should vote on October 26 on who should represent their national interests. “We should make a choice that will allow the coalition government to get rid of this isolation and choose the European path.”