Putin wants to negotiate new "grand bargain" with West, Turkish official says
Putin wants to negotiate new "grand bargain" with West, Turkish official says

Spokesperson for Turkish President Ibrahim Kalin believes that negotiations between Russia and Ukraine will likely resume at some point.

“The question is: When we will come back to it and how much damage will have been done by then?” Kalin said during an interview with CNN’s Isa Soares.

Ukrainian President signed a decree announcing “the impossibility of holding negotiations with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.” It was dated Sept. 30, the day on which Putin announced that he would illegally annex four partially-occupied regions of Ukraine.

However, Turkish official said there was also a larger point at play when it comes to Russian involvement in negotiations.

“Our understanding is that Mr. Putin wants to have a new grand bargain, a new deal with the West. It’s partly about Ukraine, no doubt. But the larger issue is really a new deal between Russia and the Western world,” Kalin said.

Moscow feels that the agreements made at the end of the Cold War, under Presidents Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin, no longer reflect the Russia of today, he said. “There is a new Russia, there is a new world, there is a new reality, and they want to have a new bargain,” Kalin said. As a result, the entire global liberal order is facing a big test, he added.