The 2020 parliamentary elections are being held in Georgia today.
According to Central Election Commission (CEC), 3 526 023 voters are registered for the elections out of them 3 511 853 – in Georgia, and 14 170 – abroad.
A total of 3 657 polling stations are opened across Georgia and 52 polling stations are established abroad. The 11 special polling stations are opened at penitentiary facilities and, as an exception, 127 COVID stations are operating for voters, who are in special lists of CEC and are in inpatient care, quarantine and self-isolation.
The 50 political entities registered by CEC are taking part in 2020 parliamentary elections. The 500 Majoritarian (single mandate) MP candidates are running for 30 Majoritarian Election Constituencies.
The 2020 parliamentary elections are held with the new election system. The voters are electing members of the parliament with 4-year term with a mixed model – 120 MPs will be elected through proportional election system, 30 – Majoritarian system.
A party or election bloc that will receive more than 40% of votes through proportional system, will be able to staff the parliamentary majority and form the government.