Parliament approved the legislative package on government structural changes
Parliament approved the legislative package on government structural changes

Parliament has approved the legislative package on government structural changes with 86 MPs votes through the third hearing. None voted against. The legislative body discussed the amendments on the second and third hearing at today’s sitting, after which MPs voted for 99 draft laws separately.

According to changes the number of ministries is reduced from 18 to 14. State Ministry of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration merges with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection with the Ministry of Agriculture. The sport component of the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs joins with the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection.  The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources and the Natural Resources Protection component of the Ministry of Environment merge with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development.

In addition, according to approved project, the Emergency Management Center will be formed after merging the Crisis Council and the Emergency Management Agency. Giorgi Mgebrishvili will head the agency.