Irina Putkaradze: GPB created two important platforms – 7-language web-site and “Multinational Georgia”
Irina Putkaradze: GPB created two important platforms – 7-language web-site and “Multinational Georgia”

Production of programs for national minorities is defined to be one of the main priorities of Georgian Public Broadcaster (GPB) – Irina Putkaradze, a member of Board of Trustees of GPB stated during the sitting of the Parliamentary Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee.

Putkaradze talked about recommendations of Georgian Public Defender for 2016. She stressed that 7-language web platform and an important project “Multinational Georgia” were created at GPB in 2017.

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed within the framework of the project with representatives of ethnic and religious minorities. A special group is established to cooperate with representatives of Public Defender’s Office and NGOs for engagement, integration and information of ethnic and religious minorities.

“The project envisages making online, radio and television media products in the language of ethnic minorities. Online TV will begin functioning. “Moambe” News Program will be prepared in Abkhazian, Ossetian and Russian languages,” Putkaradze said.