Int'l audit provides positive assessment of GPB's 2023 financial statements
Int'l audit provides positive assessment of GPB's 2023 financial statements

The international auditing company, Moore ABC LLC, has issued a positive assessment of the financial statements of the Georgian Public Broadcaster (GPB).

The audit covered the GPB’s financial reports, public procurement, and tax filings. The auditors concluded no violations or instances of non-compliance with applicable legislation across all reviewed areas.

“The Public Broadcaster undergoes an international audit annually as part of our commitment to transparency and accountability. This year’s audit results were especially significant due to the construction of a new office and relocation complex process management while maintaining uninterrupted broadcasting. The unconditional positive conclusion from the audit demonstrates the broadcaster’s successful handling of these challenges,” stated Tinatin Berdzenishvili, General Director of the GPB First Channel.

Under the law, the GPB’s audit report is submitted to the Parliament and reviewed alongside its annual activity report. The GPB is audited annually by an internationally recognized auditing firm selected by the Board of Trustees.