Georgian Manganese ready to hand over mines to miners' management in case of consensus
Georgian Manganese ready to hand over mines to miners' management in case of consensus

Georgian Manganese has released a statement expressing its readiness to transfer the control of the Chiatura mines to the miners’ management, in case of full consensus and a commitment to assuming responsibility.

Employees’ health protection and safety are the main values, the company states.

“Despite numerous attempts and offers made by Georgian Manganese to facilitate an agreement between the employees and the employer, some individuals have resorted to radical forms of protest. Protecting our employees’ health and safety remains our top priority.

In light of this, the company has responded to the repeated demands raised during the ongoing rallies to hand over the Chiatura mines to the miners. Our objective is to resolve the crisis promptly, end radical protests, resume employee participation in the work process, and restore the daily rhythm of the city. To achieve this, the company is ready to transfer control of the Chiatura mines to miners’ management in the condition employees assume responsibility and reach a consensus,” the statement read.

Prior to this statement, Georgian Manganese also addressed the issue of remuneration for certain employees in Chiatura.

“The company made this decision after strikers disseminated incorrect information and misled the public. We refer to employees actively involved in protests. The provided data clearly demonstrates the average accrued wages for 2022, which amounted to GEL 3187 (issued from 01.02.2022 to 01.02.2023),” the statement clarified.