Communications Commission members attend EU council meeting on roaming integration
Communications Commission members attend EU council meeting on roaming integration

The members of Communications Commission, Ekaterine Imadadze, Nini Gdzelishvili, and the head of the Department of Communications, Information, and Modern Technologies at the Ministry of Economy, Eka Kubusidze, attended the EU Council’s working group meeting. The event, under Hungary’s EU Council presidency, included representatives from both EU member states and candidate countries.

The meeting focused on the status of the roaming agreement between the European Commission and participating countries, potential legal solutions, and the integration advantages and challenges into the EU’s single roaming space. Ekaterine Imadadze presented Georgia’s progress in joining this space, highlighting legislative changes, regulatory norms, and economic impact analyses.

Discussions also addressed the effectiveness of legal solutions for aligning candidate countries’ laws with EU regulations, aiming for full integration into the EU’s roaming space. This would allow Georgian citizens to benefit from EU-like tariffs, promoting EU integration and bringing economic benefits to citizens and businesses.

The Roam Like at Home (RLAH) initiative, which allows EU subscribers to use mobile services without additional roaming fees, was also discussed. The Communications Commission prioritizes providing similar telecommunication services to Georgian users.