GD faction chair: American law exposed true intentions of radical opposition
GD faction chair: American law exposed true intentions of radical opposition

The evidence proves that the radical opposition is trying to damage Georgia’s international reputation and hinder the country’s European aspiration, Mamuka Mdinaradze, the chair of the ruling Georgian Dream faction, wrote on Facebook.

Mdinaradze points out that lobbyists are involved in drafting resolution texts against Georgia for Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). He highlights that American law, the Georgian analogy of which generated concerns in Georgia, exposed the true intentions of the radical opposition, including figures like Saakashvili and the National Movement, along with their supporters. Mdinaradze says these individuals are actively working, through official lobbyists, to impose sanctions on Georgia.

“They are attempting to falsify the results of medical examination using stolen samples, in order to deliberately damage Georgia’s image,” he added.

In conclusion, Mdinaradze asserts that there is clear evidence demonstrating the opposition’s efforts to harm Georgia’s international reputation and that, particularly at this time, hinder the country’s European aspiration.

U.S. Department of Justice published information about the activities of lobbying companies hired by Georgia’s ex-president Mikheil Saakashvili’s family.