DW - Incubation period for coronavirus could be up to 24 days
DW - Incubation period for coronavirus could be up to 24 days

The incubation period for the novel coronavirus is between 2-14 days. However, Deutsche Welle says, it can be more than 2 weeks.

DW relies on an epidemiologist Zhong Nan Shan’s research who found that the incubation period for the new virus could be up to 24 days.

As for the first symptoms, it usually appear after three days. Zhong Nan Shan’s team had examined 1,099 cases from 552 hospitals in China.

Deutsche Welle also said that a 70-year-old man in Hubei showed the first symptoms 27 days after infection. However, German epidemiologists note that such cases are exceptional.

According to the latest figures, the number of people infected with the novel coronavirus has increased to 89 073 worldwide.

Globally, the number of death from the novel virus has risen to 3 044. However, 45 064 people have recovered from the coronavirus.