Tag: World

US envoy condemns 'irregular' pressure on Ukraine
President of Turkey - Turkey to resume northern Syria operation if U.S. does not keep promises
Situation on Turkish-Syrian border [photo]
U.K. Parliament votes to delay Brexit deal in rare Saturday session
Bread distributed to refugees from Syria in Akçakale town of Turkey (Photo)
Death toll reaches 13 after dam collapses in Russia's Krasnoyarsk region
Christine Lagarde appointed President of the European Central Bank
Explosions in Ras al-Ain (Photo, Video)
Syrian Democratic Forces - Turkish bombardment violating truce
US, Turkey agree to temporary ceasefire in Syria
Children at Turkish-Syrian border - Photo Story by Irakli Gedenidze
US Congress passed resolution calling on President Trump to reconsider decision on Syria Withdrawal
President of Turkey refused to meet with Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo
President of Turkey calls on Kurdish militants to give up the battle and retreat
Biden warns Trump's re-election will bring the end of NATO
Erdoğan rejects Trump’s demand for ceasefire
Turkey detains four mayors in Kurdish areas
Pentagon Chief says he will press NATO allies to take measures against Turkey
Poland’s nationalist Law and Justice Party wins in parliamentary elections of Poland
4 dead, at least 5 wounded in Brooklyn club shooting