Tag: Vasil Maghlaperidze

Successful season of Georgian First Channel
Vasil Maghlaperidze: Nobody would have dared to offer employees of First Channel to move to Rustavi 2 TV Company
Public TV Companies of Armenia and Georgia Sign Memorandum of Cooperation
Vasil Maghlaperidze – Discussing or disputing borders recognized by UN in historic context with the Russian authorities would be a big mistake
Vasil Maghlaperidze – Using of obscene language has become jewelry
Vasil Maghlaperidze – Similar silliness can only come to sick head of a person who just learned that Russia is an occupant
Vasil Maghlaperidze – First Channel will have claim to voice all viewpoints
Vasil Maghlaperidze: Time when salaries were paid for load statements is over
Vasil Maghlaperidze: Project “Diverse Georgia” will be place for diversity and important relationship
Vasil Maghlaperidze - Incorrect facts are still in Freedom House report, which should be amended
Vasil Maghlaperidze – We are doing our best that public has information about ongoing processes at First Channel
Vasil Maghlaperidze – Information of Freedom House that Parliamentary sessions are not broadcast by Second Channel is merely a lie
Vasil Maghlaperidze – If anybody thinks that media in Georgia in 2017 was in same state as in 2009 is incompetent or mistaken
Vasil Maghlaperidze – Zaza Shatirishvili will be worthy candidate of Board of Trustees
Vasil Maghlaperidze: spying is not European but ‘Komsomol’ way
Vasil Maghlaperidze: Overhearing other’s conversations is sickness from which is difficult to get rid of
Vasil Maghlaperidze offers MPs and media representatives to become introduced with situation at GPB
Vasil Maghlaperidze: 50 million GEL is mystic figure
Vasil Maghlaperidze: Brussels Bureau of First Channel will not be closed, it will be reinforced
Vasil Maghlaperidze:  I take full responsibility and do my best to inform the public truthfully