Tag: Lithuania

Dalia Grybauskaitė Confirms to Mamuka Bakhtadze Strong Support for Georgia’s European and Euro-Atlantic Integration
Georgian and Lithuanian Prime Ministers discuss deeper economic relations and prospects of joint projects of regional importance
Mamuka Bakhtadze met Prime Minister of Lietuva Saulius Skvernelis
Mamuka Bakhtadze to hold official visits to Lietuva
Linas Linkevicius expresses condolence to Georgian people due to tragedy in Tbilisi
Lithuania imposes restrictions on persons included in Tatunashvili-Otkhozoria list
Lithuania stands by Georgia, - Linas Linkevicius released a video address about 10th anniversary of the Russian-Georgian war
Lithuania sets limitations for persons included in Otkhozoria-Tatunashvili list
Lithuania imposes restrictions against individuals included in Tatunashvili-Otkhozoria list
Lithuania warns Russian taxi app could be snooping on users
Authentic name of Lithuania to be officially used in Georgian language
President of Lithuania to visit Georgia on May 25
Authentic name of Georgia 'Sakartvelas' to be officially used in Lithuanian Language
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania expressed condolences over Tkibuli mine accident
“Gruzia” or “Sakartvelia” – State Commission of Lithuanian Language to make decision
Foreign ministries of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia summoned Russian ambassadors
Lithuania to raise Archil Tatunashvili’s death case at EU Foreign Affairs Council
Linas Linkevičius: Lithuania believes Georgia doesn’t need Action Plan for NATO membership