Supporter of Tbilisi Pride says July 5 plans not to change
Supporter of Tbilisi Pride says July 5 plans not to change

Georgian Patriarchate and other groups have full right to express their protest peacefully, but July 5 plans will not change, said Giga Makarashvili, a civil activist and supporter of Tbilisi Pride.

Makarashvili said he hoped that representatives of the Patriarchate would not beat or insult anybody.

“We are not going to hurt anybody, neither the Patriarchate nor for the city. We demand protection of the rights of people who are oppressed by the system. If the patriarchate prevents us from doing this, then the society will tell to the government that love should be preached by the church. I hope that the Patriarchate will show common sense and will not allow its parishioners to beat people,” Giga Makarashvili said.

Georgian Patriarchate on Saturday released a statement. It called on people to assemble at St. George Church on July 5 and show to the world that Georgians protect their dignity. According to the Patriarchate, Tbilisi Pride propagates perverted lifestyle that damages consciousness of the future generations.