Strong Georgia coalition considers GD's regional delegates as corrupted local feudal
Strong Georgia coalition considers GD's regional delegates as corrupted local feudal

“The so-called delegates nominated by the Georgian Dream party have never had a connection with people. They are corrupted local feudals,” said Ana Natsvlishvili from the Strong Georgia coalition.

Ana Natsvlishvili believes that “Russia’s servant Georgian government will inevitably be defeated in the October 26 elections, and the list of regional delegates presented by the Georgian Dream party is one of such indicators.”

“These people have never had any link with the Georgian people and never represented their interests. They are corrupted local feudal, attempting to mobilize votes with the property gained through corruption,” she said.

According to Natsvlishvili, people in the regions know these delegates very well. They will “allocate them their deserved place” on October 26.

“Georgia will continue progress and development for building a strong state,” she stated.

On August 15, the ruling Georgian Dream (GD) party nominated 22 delegates to lead a pre-election campaign in the regions.