President to veto Transparency Law, 'but not to go into manipulation as it serves to bring misunderstanding among people'
President to veto Transparency Law, 'but not to go into manipulation as it serves to bring misunderstanding among people'

Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili on Sunday said,” Yesterday, Georgia once again demonstrated to the world in a powerful, peaceful, and compelling manner that it will not allow the European future to be put into question, that it will not let Russian legislation.”

As Zurabishvili said at today’s briefing, “The government once promised the society and the Western partners that it would never return to ‘Russian law’, but this turned out to be manipulation.”

The President claims that “the government is using violence, intimidation, and arrests against innocent people to pass this bill.”

“This law is Russian, but it is even more disturbing that this law has become a symbol. Actually, your [the government] own actions, words, and violence against society, are Russian. These are the methods that we thought were a thing of the past and that you are bringing back to life,” the President noted.

Zourabichvili pledged to veto the Transparency Law.

“I will submit a veto, but I will not engage in manipulation or games as it serves to bring misunderstanding among people. Do you want to change something in this law? It is up to you to either recall it or send it back for a second hearing and listen to the opposition in Parliament, who I am sure will offer comments. Or, even simpler, postpone its commencement until November 1, after the elections, when whoever comes to power will decide whether this law is Russian, a copy of other laws, or something else. Don’t have a hope that I will enter this game to make it [the law] respectable. No, it is Russian, it will remain Russian, and you will as well with this legislation,” Zourabichvili stressed.

The President also addressed the law enforcement officers, warning them “not to dare repression and violence.”

“I would like to address the law enforcement structures – do not dare what was heard in the Prime Minister’s words, do not dare to resort to repression, violence, to invent conspiracies, to intimidate the society. I want to address the protesters – there are plans to organize provocations and drag you too [in it]. So, I would like to urge you to be very careful,” Zurabishvili added.