PM: Transparency Law ensures bulk of things; makes hard attack church or carry out LGBT propaganda with foreign funds
PM: Transparency Law ensures bulk of things; makes hard attack church or carry out LGBT propaganda with foreign funds

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze believes “Transparency [Law] will ensure plenty of things. it will be difficult for them [NGOs] to openly attack the church with foreign funds, or carry out LGBT propaganda, and so forth.”

“That’s why some people fear transparency as they will have to refuse specific wrong practices,” said PM Kobakhidze in an interview with GPB’s ‘Gadatskvetileba’ [Decision] program.

In the Prime Minister’s words, the legislation will lead to ‘a qualitative improvement’ in donor accountability.

“A bulk of facts will be unveiled. The public will learn who funded the ‘Sirtskhvilia’ [the Shame] movement, as well as organisations like ‘Tsertili’ [the Dot], ‘Talgha’ [the Wave], and others that openly attack the Orthodox Church and engage in drug propaganda. They are directly involved in promoting radicalism.

When the public sees all this, those who are stirring up polarization in this country, attacking the Orthodox Church, engaging in LGBT propaganda, etc., this transparency will ensure a variety of things. It will be difficult for them to continue openly attacking the church, or carry out LGBT propaganda with foreign funding,” the PM stated.