PM: Reforms and changes will have positive impact on development of our country
PM: Reforms and changes will have positive impact on development of our country

“I am sure that the reforms and changes will have a very positive impact on the progress and development of our country“, – Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili made the statement on changes in the government at a special briefing held today.

According to Kvirikashvili, the planned changes will serve for achieving more progress, establishing the modern state and setting up more flexible state apparatus, which will result the reduction of the administrative expenses.

As a result of structural and staff changes in the Georgian government, the number of ministries will be reduced from 18 to 14.

State Ministry of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration merges with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection with the Ministry of Agriculture. The sport component of the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs joins with the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection.  The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources and the Natural Resources Protection component of the Ministry of Environment merge with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development. The Foreign Intelligence Service will join with the State Security Service.

According to PM, the package of changes will be approved at the nearest government session and will be submitted to the parliament for consideration.