Oni Mayor: Search efforts for 6 missing people ongoing
Oni Mayor: Search efforts for 6 missing people ongoing

Search efforts for 6 missing people are ongoing, said Sergo Khidesheli, Oni Municipality Mayor. He reported that according to the latest information, 27 people died as a result of the Shovi tragedy, 25 of whom have been identified.

As Sergo Khidesheli noted, the area of search works has also been expanded.

“The area of search works has been expanded both in the Chanchakhi and Rioni riverbeds. I would like to thank all involved persons, all structures, representatives of all structures, as well as the mayors of the municipality, my colleagues, for standing by my side,” he said.

The death toll in the landslide-ravaged Shovi resort of the Oni Municipality rose to 27 on August 17.

Six people are still missing. A deadly landslide struck the resort on August 3.