“Moambe” News program at prime-time the pre-election monitoring report (1.09.20 - 10.10.20)
“Moambe” News program at prime-time the pre-election monitoring report (1.09.20 - 10.10.20)

Monitoring of all the news and political programs of the First Channel and the Georgian Radio since September 1, aims at computing the time allotted to the political parties.

The monitoring has been implemented by means of a special software, with each TV show/story link specified.

Monitors trained in the specifics of different platforms and shows have been monitoring and processing both the Prime Time and Off Prime information.

Monthly pre-election monitoring reports (1-30 September through) regarding “Moambe” and the Georgian Radio news program have been published.

Here is the a monthly report (1 September – 10 October through) for the Prime-Time “Moambe” news program (18:00) and “Moambe” (21:00).

The report includes all the monitored subjects featured both in the election-related and unrelated topics, with the subjects standing for Parliament and otherwise specified.

The full report is available at this link.